About the Journal
Journal title | JURNAL BURHANI: Kajian Penelitian Hukum dan Muamalah |
Subject | Sharia Economic Law, Hukum Ekonomi Syariah |
Language | English (preferred), Indonesia |
ISSN | 2808-9138 (Online) |
First Published | June 2021 (On Going) |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (June and December) |
DOI | Prefix 10.0606/burhani by Crossref |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Dimensions |
Editor-in-chief | Wahyu Nur Alfian |
Publisher | LPPM STAI Al-Fattah Pacitan |
Organizer | HES Department |
JURNAL BURHANI: Kajian Penelitian Hukum dan Muamalah is published by the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) and is dedicated to the Sharia Economic Law (Muamalah) department at STAI Al-Fattah Pacitan. This journal contains articles presenting research findings, intellectual contributions, and scientific analyses in Sharia economic law, legal studies, Islamic law, and Sharia economics.
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